The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65084   Message #1070547
Posted By: Bobert
11-Dec-03 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushes Visit, Email From Soldier
Subject: RE: BS: Bushes Visit, Email From Soldier
I noticing a curious departure here on his usual "War and Peace" length rebuttals. Seems that he has set the microsope off to the side since by Dec 3, 10;02 challenge to him to get the details, which as we know he loves, on the theft of the 2000 Election. Comes no surprise that he dismisses so easily the theft of a traffic sign.

BTW, some kids in Virginia are doing some serious time in prison for stealing a traffis sign. Sure, in the Virginia case, an accident occured as a result and there was a fatality. But that shouldn't matter. The signs are there for safety, not decoration. Yeah, I think that the T-Bird's is going to have to change his denials on, at the very least, the theft issue.

I think the drunk drtiving also point to someone who cares more about his own need for gratification at the expense of the safety of others. There is definately a pattern of behavior in this man that is far from virtues we'd like to think our leaders possessed...

I hate to tell ya' T but your star is falling. Sure, he may manipulate enough media and information to get re-selected but should Americans ever undo the damage he has done to America, and it's citizens way of life, all in the name of fighting terrorism, ahhhh, historians will not treat him well. These times will be looked at as examples of how not to behave as a nation. Just like the internment of the Japanese citizens in WW II and the McCarthy days. Same crap, different day...
