The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64838   Message #1070729
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Dec-03 - 11:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Good Things about the Iraq Occupation
Subject: RE: BS: The Good Things about the Iraq Occupatio
My God, teribus... LOL! You cling to a logical absurdity like a pit bull clinging to his favourite bone.

Let me paraphrase your statement: "the sole purpose of business is profit."

Ahem***   "The sole purpose of living is injesting water."

Wrong! But it follows the same logical line. Without drinking water you will die. You cannot continue living for more than a very short time without drinking water, and you cannot continue a running a normal profit-based "business" very long without making money (unless you have a huge pile of it to waste).

What does that have to do with purpose, and how is it a "sole" reason? Well, it's only one of many purposes, and many reasons. You also need to breathe air, eat food, find shelter, stay warm, exercise your body, occupy your mind and emotions, and so on...

Here's what your original statement might better say, in order to be factual:

"One of the necessary requirements of running a successful (and let's assume, legal) business is to make money."

ONE of them. There are numerous other necessary requirements learning the trade, getting an education, obeying the law, being efficient, getting up in the morning, not alienating your customers, balancing the books, being honest, communicating effectively, not running around naked in the streets on your coffee break, and so on.

So, if what they teach in an MBA course is that business has a "sole purpose" and that that purpose is profit, then what they are teaching is a fundamentalist religion, not a science, and a VERY primitive religion at that...based on nothing more than an illogical statement of blind and exclusive faith, intended to brainwash the brethren and prepare them for a life of deluded fantasy in a moral abyss of their own creation. (Sounds like the life of Dilbert, doesn't it?)

Neither life, love, art, government nor business have a sole purpose...but rather a million different purposes, and what kind of human being you are will determine what purposes you choose.

Money is a tool, teribus. It was invented to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. A tool is not a purpose in itself, it is a means toward achieving a purpose. The real purpose is to enhance, encourage, and improve life in every way possible, and become better, wiser people in so doing.

And profit? Profit is an arbitrary concept especially beloved by those in societies where many or most people are too immature to do things simply because they are, in themselves, good things to do...and must be spurred on by a "carrot" suspended in front of their nose in the form of money. It is also a very handy way of establishing a privileged few at the top, and a disadvantaged many who can be easily controlled by that few through their god, their chosen

You're espousing a material religion, teribus, not a real thinking philosophy. I don't go to that church nor accept its Holy Writ as gospel.

- LH