The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64717   Message #1070803
Posted By: GUEST,PeigĂ­n's Secretive Yule-Person
12-Dec-03 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: My pressie has arrived!!!
Subject: RE: BS: My pressie has arrived!!!
Dear Peg,

I'm so pleased about never knows how successfully the snail attached to the pigeon's leg will negotiate The Pond!

I hope that you will enjoy them...I have today sent another little thing which I hope you will also like (I think you will but am fearful that you may have it already knowing your musical which case please feel free to pass it on to a person of your choice and I will send something else) since they are indeed rather small packages and since anything I could make you myself would be rather larger and heavier. Hopefully this will arrive by Yule or shortly thereafter.

I also have some studio time planned in the New Year and, if the results are not too embarassing, I will also send you a copy of the fruits of that particular endeavour. It will, however, not be at all in the same style...!

I posted a few more hints over in the "Goofy Hints" thread by the way!

All the very best,

Your Secretive Yule-Person