The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12983   Message #107085
Posted By: Sandy Paton
20-Aug-99 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: John Jacob Niles authenticity?
Subject: RE: John Jacob Niles authenticity?
Here's a thought, Bill D: Put the JJN record up for auction on the Mudcat! Big Mick will probably pay $100 for it! Then we can make some kind of ceremonial presentation to him at the Getaway. Or maybe Ferrara doesn't feel as negative about the presentation as you do. :-)

"Venezuela" seems to have fooled the publishing world, at the first, but what did they know about folksongs? I heard it sung by Richard Dyer-Bennett, back in the dark ages, and knew enough, even then, to doubt it. "Lass From the Low Countrie" shouldn't have fooled anyone! The tune he created for "Black is the Color" is quite lovely, and "I Wonder as I Wander" is a masterpiece of artificial "folk simplicity, but let's admit it, we've all sung it, happily, at one Christmas season or another. Give the man credit for writing some good'uns, but don't include his ballad versions as examples of authentic tradition in your dissertation!
