The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65109   Message #1071024
Posted By: Schantieman
12-Dec-03 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: Is modern music shite?
Subject: RE: Is modern music shite?
I didn't like pop music even when I was a teenager. (I did pretend to for about six months, but soon saw the error of my ways). I can't, and never have been able to take:
(a) the extreme volume at which it always seems to be played
(b) the incessant and tedious drum beat
(c) the throbbing bass guitar
(d) the need to electrify everything (partly consequent upon (a) & (c))

There are exceptions - I was, from the age of six, a Beatles fan. I was brought downstairs from bed one evening to see them on TV singing "She Loves You" - not, I think one of their best, although certainly one of their most popular.

...And, I don't like the same treatment applied to traditional music either - so Fairport etc. not really my bag.

I once discussed this with the Head of Music at my first school (as a teacher, you understand). I said that I didn't like this stuff myself, but that didn't make it "bad music". "Ah!", he said, "but it is bad music."   Unfortunately I didn't fully understand the musical argument against it (being somewhat deficient in musical education) and have now forgotten it.
When asked why they like this music (and I had to restrain myself there from putting it in inverted commas), they always say, "because it's good." Not a terribly strong argument, I've always thought!
So - does anybody have a good, relatively simple argument that i an use to demonstrate why it is inherently bad?
