The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65163   Message #1071028
Posted By: Kim C
12-Dec-03 - 01:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Good Stuff!
Subject: BS: Good Stuff!
All right then. It's holiday time. Time for peace and good will and all that. I've been sick this week, as has nearly everyone in my office, and I need a little perking up.

What's good right now, and what are you looking forward to in regards to the holidays?

As for me, I am back at work today after lying on the sofa the last two days. I scored some new holiday duds cheap on eBay; the new shoes I bought via mail-order fit and don't have to be sent back; we learned two new Christmas songs this year; and the Giant Puppy is learning his manners.

I am looking forward to having some time off next week to have lunch with a friend, do a little C'mas shopping, and make my annual plum pudding. Most of all, I really enjoy putting up my itty-bitty tree and wrapping presents. :-)
