The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13115   Message #107106
Posted By: Sandy Paton
21-Aug-99 - 12:56 AM
Thread Name: What was Lee Hays really like...? (1914-1981)
Subject: RE: What was Lee Hays really like...?
I watched Bob Gibson work the crowd once when the stage at the old Gate of Horn was 'way down at one end of the room (it was a much friendlier place to perform when they moved it amidships). I was very impressed at the way the lighting person carefully followed Gibson's impassioned delivery of "Wayfarin' Stranger," with the lights dimming down in the quieter moments, then growing hot again as the intensity increased. Wonderful coordination! Later, when I was on the stage myself, I discovered that Bob had been controlling his own light level, working that rolling dimmer switch in the floor with his foot. I must confess that I was more than a little disillusioned. But that's show-business, baby!
