The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65141   Message #1071432
Posted By: lady penelope
13-Dec-03 - 05:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Screw Bush: Let's Talk Beer
Subject: RE: BS: Screw Bush: Let's Talk Beer
LOL Dave.

My favourite........Fullers Honey Dew. I originally found this at a mini beer festival in the FILO pub in Hastings ( Fullers is a London brewer ) and have been happily quaffing it ever since. Then Sainsbury's started selling it it bottles (hurrah, I live in east London and there's only one Fullers pub nearby ) and I found out it was organic!?

But if I can get it... Froach Heather ale ( which as it's name suggests is made with heather rather than hops ). I like the way it doesn't get you roaring drunk, you just suddenly realise that your legs have ceased to function in tandem.........

TTFN Lady P.