The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65163   Message #1071883
Posted By: GUEST,Boab
14-Dec-03 - 12:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Good Stuff!
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
Good stuff for Christmas? My enemies will love this. I bought round trip air tickets for my Christmas --New Year spell in the Auld Sod. I then went to sort out my Partner's out-of date passport at the nearest Govt. office, and found that MY papers were "duff". Being a "landed person" and resident of Canada over 12 years, I'm told that I require a special Permanent Resident's card in order to re-enter the country!---And am told, besides, it take twelve weeks to arrive. So I buckled down, and filled the forms, supplied the documents and mailed the lot to the appropriate office. Then, for a Vancouver Island resident, a disaster; a full-blooded ferry strike.Given the atrocious attitudes of the incumbent ratpack in Victoria right now, I could see no quick end to it, so I quickly reserved a berth on one of the few available flights left, and paid the whack for that. Wouldn't you know it----the strike was off the next day. Jeeze!---I hope Santa hasn't got something else up his sleeve. OCH! Maybe I'll get to attend the Celtic Folkfest in Glasgow in January!!!