The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65207   Message #1072119
Posted By: GUEST
14-Dec-03 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraqnophobia - Sadman captured?
Subject: RE: BS: Iraqnophobia - Sadman captured?
McGrath, the NYT reports did mention that there was a very good chance that there is an internal struggle for power going on within and among the insurgents, and that the fingering of Saddam by the Iraqis may well have been a strategic move to get him out of the way, so some other leader who could operate much more effectively to lead the rebellion against the occupation.

Saddam must have been an albatross around the neck of the leaders of the insurgency, whomever they are. That is my best wild ass guess as to why he was caught. He most certainly never would have been caught unless some Iraqi/Muslim insurgents hadn't wanted him caught. Now that the Americans have him, and will be spending their propaganda capital on his trial, there will be far fewer American troops crawling the countryside looking for him--they can literally crawl back to the palace in Baghdad and let Afghanistanization occur beyond the palace gates. It's not as if the American electorate gives a damn about Iraq or it's people, after all. We just want cheap gasoline, and for the terrorists not to kill us on our home turf. It's fine with us if they hit London or some far flung African or Middle East embassy. Just don't kill civilians on our soil, or jack the price of gasoline so high that it causes inflation to shoot up, and the inflated value of the home real estate market to collapse.

Especially not before the 2004 election.