The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65163   Message #1072282
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
14-Dec-03 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Good Stuff!
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
I made a Black Forest Gateau (on the second attempt - the first sponge came out like a chocolate place mat) that my sister in law (the nice one) accused me of buying in a shop.

And I survived a day with 9 children running riot, 7 of whom are under 10, and my eldest nephew likes me because I'm funny.

I'm now sitting here with a lovely beer and a warm glow of appreciation.

Oh, by the way - the accidental soiling of lower body wear, by laughing too hard/severe shock etc, is called "putting your trousers on a warm wash".