The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65255   Message #1073340
Posted By: Catherine Jayne
16-Dec-03 - 04:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Guest Postings
Subject: BS: Guest Postings
As we all know there have been a number of annonymous Guest postings that have been far from nice. This morning I have recieved a PM from Joe Offer requesting that I refrain from posting annonymously about a 'certain female on the mudcat'. As I replied to Joe it wasn't me who made the posts. I always sign my name if I can not sign onto my cookie. Everyone that knows me knows that I deal with my dirty work personally and straight to their face asking for advice if I need it. If I was inclined I could take the PM personally but Im not like it infact it reassures me that Joe, Pene and Max and the other clones are trying to combat the GUEST postings. Having had first hand experience of nasty guest postings and how they can be traced I would be silly to do it myself I ma a bit shocked that I have been accused but as I say reassured all the same.

I agree that not all GUESTs are the same and some have some very valid points and helpful hints to posts but something does have to be done about the malicious posts to avoid innocent catters being accused. Simply removing the posts doesn't seem to work.

Does anyone else have ideas??
