The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65206   Message #1074018
Posted By: PoppaGator
16-Dec-03 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: Roger Whittaker what's he doing nowadays
Subject: RE: Roger Whittaker what's he doing nowadays
I've watched this thread title appear up and down the Forum Home list for a couple of days without calling it up; curiosity finally got the better of me.

I recognized Roger's name immediately, but *only* as the subject of those late-night TV commercials mentioned above. From what I've heard of his work (nothing more than brief snippets, a half -dozen or so within a 60-second ad), it all seemed kinda bland yet at the same time self-important, not at all my cup of tea. And, not anything I would have clasified as any kind of folk music.

But, hey, you learn something new every day, and I have found it quite interesting to learn more about this guy from those of you who know and enjoy his work. I'm not promising to make any great effort to run out and buy his recodings, but I'll certainly give him a more sympathetic listening if the opportunity ever arises...