The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64717   Message #1074028
Posted By: Joybell
16-Dec-03 - 05:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: My pressie has arrived!!!
Subject: RE: BS: My pressie has arrived!!!
Mine came! Mine came! I did get pressies from Santa about 55 years ago but then it wasn't MY OWN SPECIAL Santa. I'm so excited. Opened the ouside packet but I'm leaving the inside wrapping on 'till Christmas morning. My dear Secret Santa, I haven't given up on trying to find out who you are - perhaps it will be revealed when I open up my CDs. Wow CDs!! I can feel that's what they are! Unless it's one more secret disguise. I'm studying the location list and every other list I can find. And there's the recycled envelope with the name half blacked out and the UK postmark! But your postcard came from New York? Are you being very, very devious my dear Santa? Do you live in West (something)wich? somewhere in the UK? New York? Does your name end in lly? I'll find you somehow, unless it's like naming someone in folklore when you mustn't because of the danger of harming them. I wouldn't want to do that. Let me know if it's like that and I'll keep the secret.
Anyway SS, Thank you!! Thank you!! I really love this idea. Joybelle full of Joy.