The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65163   Message #1074790
Posted By: Metchosin
17-Dec-03 - 05:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Good Stuff!
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
Hey!!! I'm female, at least I was the last time I looked and though I haven't had the dubious pleasure of golf diapers, I can assure you I have had many, many years experience with the other product and considering the alternatives, I'd class it as "Good Stuff". Sorry Kim C, I've drifted all over the place on Mudcat in the past day or so. I don't usually wander, I guess I just get the urge to break the rules occasionally.

And I did indeed have the pleasure of celebrating my youngest daughter's 25th Birthday with her...geez, I feel older than dirt.