The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64717   Message #1075842
Posted By: Snuffy
18-Dec-03 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: My pressie has arrived!!!
Subject: RE: BS: My pressie has arrived!!!

OK Guv, it's a fair cop. You got me bang to rights. I'll have to make it harder next year. But you were out on the Hawthornes - it is the stadium of (perfidious) West Bromwich Albion FC.

I was in America in October with the Shellbacks, where I met my 2002 Santee, Jeri, at the FSGW Getaway. But I don't know if we've got an Australian tour planned!

WassaiL! V

PS. I hope the gifts turn out to be what you wanted