The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13191   Message #107612
Posted By: j0_77
23-Aug-99 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: A GMaj Modal System for Strummers, Hard?
Subject: RE: BS: A GMaj Modal System for Strummers, Hard?
Sure Lucius, the tread is recent /today/ 'rick's tips' - you'll have to poke around to find it.

Major thirds - hmmm don't figure that hmmm - If you are talking bout songs that you cannot accompany with these I could name 100s but these are for that time when a student is just getting to know the true meaning of a 'humming' guitar.

There are a load of songs which will work with these. Sunny side of Life
Bury me Beneath the Willow
...heck I ain't bothered takes all night to list em. Generaly give a song a whirl with these - sometimes it may not work.