The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65375 Message #1076189
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
19-Dec-03 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: Hooray For Songwriters!
Subject: RE: Hooray For Songwriters!
I get thrills when I hear new songwriters that are writing amazing songs. I often think that if it were 40 years ago, we would be hearing artists of the stature of Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, etc. Unfortunately the music that most of us love is now heard by a niche audience - although I think that audience is much larger than the media gives credit to.
What worries me is that I know a number of songwriters who struggle to make ends meet. It has to affect their creativity.
One of my favorite songwriters of the "new breed" is John Flynn ( Last month I had the opportunity to hear him in a small session at NERFA. A handful of us were treated to a song called "Big Boat Coming" that had me in tears. The song was about the horrible floods that occured in Europe last year, and specifically about the flood in Prague that over ran a zoo. An elephant had to be put to sleep or face a horrible death by drowning. John wrote one of the most touching songs I've ever heard. A singable chorus to boot! Moments like this are reasons why I cherish folk music.
Most people look at a lightbulb and see that it gives us light. A good songwriter looks at a lightbulb and sees everything that it touches and then puts it into words. It is truly a gift.