The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65360   Message #1076252
Posted By: GUEST,JTT
19-Dec-03 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: cd's will be history
Subject: RE: cd's will be history
I spent most of my life as a music-free zone. Or rather, as a music-buying-free zone. I bought books, lots of them, but didn't feel I could afford to buy records.

Sure, I sang, listened to music on the radio, even went to the occasional session.

Then CD copying arrived, and people were givng me their favourite CDs, ripped. I got interested. I started copying myself; I started *buying* CDs. Now I have a groaning bookcase full of them - about a third bought, two-thirds copied.

Last week I bought two CDs I'd had for ages as copies: Pirates' Choice and Thimar.

I bought them for two reasons: first, because I'd enjoyed the music so much that I wanted to pay the artists; second, because both are beautiful productions, with gorgeous artwork.

I've heard that the same thing happened when cassette players came out - the record industry tried to prosecute people, wailing that their bread was being snatched from their mouths. But when they produced beautiful albums with great information and luscious designs, people bought them for the sensual experience.