The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65255   Message #1076533
Posted By: Bill D
19-Dec-03 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Guest Postings
Subject: RE: BS: Guest Postings
I was not going to say more, but since it is my post you are answering, I will say only: we must agree to disagree, it seems. You have made your point, but, as I read the comments, the general sentiment leaves you a vocal minority.
I am aware that you feel strongly about this, much as you did with the PELS issue...but strong opinions do not mean it should be constantly argued. (I have some opinions on 'definitions of "folk" for relevance in posting here, but the management chooses not to interfere with what I think is 'off topic', so I confine myself to low-key philosophical debate occasionally.) I would hope, that with both management and general opinion disagreeing with you, you might ease off on the complaints...and especially on the use of labels like "WitchFinder"! That sort of thing serves more to fan flames rather than change minds.

If complaints are limited to specific items, rather than sweeping condemnations of policy, they will likely be treated with more concern. I really can't think of any more to say...*shrug* have to decide.