The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1076610
Posted By: LilyFestre
19-Dec-03 - 10:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: BS: Whine Fest
My husband and I took in an 11 year old little girl last April. She had been spending summers with us as part of an inner city program designed to allow children the chance to experience country living. Last spring, her mother called and asked if she could send her daughter to us to live here. Without hesitation, we said yes. Now, as we have known for a few months, Veronica (the little one) will be leaving us tomorrow to spend a month with her mother. There's a logical part of me that says well of course...this is as it should be....they want to be together for the holidays. Then there's the rest of me that is heartbroken that she won't be here to celebrate with us. We get to have her for the hum-drum daily life but not the celebrations. *POUT*

Veronica is all tucked in bed now after a wonderful day of just playing together and I just want to say that this SUCKS. I can't stand the thought of sending Veronica off with her mother..the woman who can't be bothered to raise her, write her a letter or even to call her once a month. She didn't even call on Thanksgiving.

We do not have full custody of Veronica so we are pretty much stuck...we have to do what her mother wishes...try not to rock the boat too much and still maintain our sanity and hearts. I said it once and I'll say it again..THIS JUST SUCKS!!!!!   _()&)(*^*&^$%$@%#$^)*^(*&%*&^$%^#^$#

Welcome to my whine fest.
