The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1076706
Posted By: catspaw49
20-Dec-03 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: RE: BS: Whine Fest
Ten years and over thirty kids..........Foster Parents.........Doesn't get easier. I have tales and tales. You hope you have made some difference and become depressed when you see that in many cases any difference is so small as to be almost non-existent. But you hold onto that and keep going. eventually most of us burn out while becoming calloused to a point we never thought possible.

You have to take those small differences and hope and believe they were at least something. We stopped three and a half years ago for a variety of reasons, basically burnt out. We get visits from some and sometimes are encouraged but most often we are depressed. On the other hand, they do come back to us and look at the time here and at us as something they hold close......and that's nice. But still.............

And then.............One of our boys, was with us for 4 years and kept visiting for another 3 or so afterwards.....We hadn't heard from him in almost three years and feared the worst.   A month ago he knocks on the door. He's got this nice girl with him who iturns out to be his wife and a 6 month old baby who is happy and beautiful! He has a good job that he's been working for two years, an almost new car, a nice apartment and they are looking at houses. When they left, Karen and I cried awhile.......happy tears.

Sometimes it works.

Get tough.....Hang in.
