The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64717   Message #1076877
Posted By: Bat Goddess
20-Dec-03 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: My pressie has arrived!!!
Subject: RE: BS: My pressie has arrived!!!
Yesterday was quite the day.

In a fit of holiday magnanimity and on the last day of work before the company closes for two weeks over the holidays, my part time employer, Technology Business Research, "terminated" my entire office of part time surveyers (that's three of us). Merry Christmas, eh? How long have you worked here, not counting tomorrow, and can you please get your stuff out of our desks?

Ah, well.

After a conference with my co-unemployed at the local Burger King, a stop at Employment Security to file a claim, and the credit union to cash my next-to-last check (quick!), we actually found a parking place betwixt the Post Office and The Press Room and discovered packages from Mudcat Secret Santas waiting for us at the post office!

I didn't even get to see the outside of the packages (I'll let Tom post his own comments on his gifties) until after arriving home after the Friday night Press Room session.

Wow! And Tom is INSISTING on me being a good kid and NOT OPENING ANYTHING (except the really neat personalized card and the unwrapped stuff) UNTIL CHRISTMAS MORNING!!! He can't keep me from shaking and poking, though . . .

What great fun! -- 12 wrapped gifts for the 12 days of Christmas! This is too cool for words. Thank you, Partridge! (That's "seasonal" I guess. Good hints!) And the cats thank you, too, for the catnip treats! The musical note ornament is a wonderful addition to our musical tree decorations.

Can't wait til Christmas morning!
