The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65375   Message #1077009
Posted By: Peace
20-Dec-03 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: Hooray For Songwriters!
Subject: RE: Hooray For Songwriters!
Michael Rowed the Boat Ashore is still a good song. But, as much as I like hotdogs, I can't take a steady diet of 'em. Have a good listen to "The Boys of Summer" and tell me it ain't great (I just want to see who will be the first to tell me!). Will it ever be a 'traditional' song? No! Do I care? No. It reminds me of a summer I had in the late sixties, and so does Carrie Ann. Maggie May reminds me of a gal I met in Montreal. Songwriters tend to get categorized and we tend to categorize ourselves as listeners. I like lots of different 'kinds' of music, and I don't really care what 'genre' it's from. In my view, if I like it, that's that. Crank it to ten and enjoy.