The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65375   Message #1077087
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
20-Dec-03 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: Hooray For Songwriters!
Subject: RE: Hooray For Songwriters!
I'm with you, Frank... I'm a great fan of Johnny Mercer and many others you mentioned. One of the things that I respond to in a song is if it is visual. The song I posted here moves me because of that... when I hear the song, or sing it, it is as if there is a movie playing along with the song in my head. I can feel the heat, the dust, the resignation, the tiredness, the porch swing... as if I was there.

1913 Massacre is a favorite visual song of mine... a very disturbing image to have emblazoned into my mind, but it's a song I did for many years. It is a song that is basically descriptive, yet has a very powerful message which is mostly delivered through the horrible imagery of the song.
