The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65375   Message #1077793
Posted By: Amos
22-Dec-03 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: Hooray For Songwriters!
Subject: RE: Hooray For Songwriters!
There are scores of excellent songs weritten in the current era by songwriters like Kristin Lavin and John Prine and a dozen others. Every now and then I come across a knockout of a song and discover it was written recently, and my jaw drops -- songs like "Nightrider's Lament", "King of Mercy Canyon", "The Kind of Love...". I say three cheers for those who keep writing songs.

There was an old saying allegedly attributed to the Mohicans, but maybe not, that says "Let me write the songs of a people and I care not who writers its laws". More or less. I concur.