The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65375   Message #1077805
Posted By: John Hardly
22-Dec-03 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Hooray For Songwriters!
Subject: RE: Hooray For Songwriters!
Yeah, Jerry,

I had lost touch with LJ's career -- a looooong time between recordings. I almost didn't notice that he released a CD "The Ox That Pulls The Cart" in 2002. It's a good CD.

LJ is ust an amazing performer as well -- one of those new breed of really good guitar players to go along with his great way with words.

He's also got a great memory. I had talked with him on the phone probably two years before we met at a small venue in my area -- he remembered that I was a potter and even remembered some of the stuff we talked about.

I love his "song for the day" wherein he writes a song for that concert on that day -- I'm amazed at his ability to pull it off, usually with VERY funny results.

Pettis is also a great perfomer, and I can't think of a conemporary witha more emotive voice than his. He can turn a phrase with such natural grace -- "hello and goodbye, divided by a line down the middle of the road" -- comes to mind.

It's writers like those in my list that make me consider writing with trepidation -- they've raised the bar so high.