The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65403   Message #1077869
Posted By: Amos
22-Dec-03 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: Can An Atheist Sing Believer Songs?
Subject: RE: Can An Atheist Sing Believer Songs?
Personally I think it is a non-issue; any singer worthy of the art is capable of singing songs he does not personally believe in. I could probably do a convincing rendition of Deutschland Uber Alles if I knew the lyrics, but I wouldn't deign to, in general. Not that I could not, but that I would not choose to do so.

I can certainly sing believer songs, because although I do not share the Christian faith, nor its iconophilic passions, I am replete with faith and passion of my own, and I am sensitive to human situations, or at least try to be.