The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65084   Message #1077914
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
22-Dec-03 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushes Visit, Email From Soldier
Subject: RE: BS: Bushes Visit, Email From Soldier
Hi Teribus,

I have been giving some thought to your points.

"You appear to suffering from massive date confusion."

I don't think so.

Joined ANG 1968; entered flight training 1969; completed flight training July 1970; Alabama non-flying status May 1972; Suspended from flying due to lack of medical September 1972; Back with Texas ANG at Ellington flying May, June; July 1973; applied for and got early discharge to go to University after 5 years four months and five days service.

Yes and where was he the last part of Sept through May, June or July
if he had really been there then.

Where is the proof that this bit of information is valid?

"He volunteered for flight school but didn't follow through."

"Didn't follow through with what Frank? He did qualify operational on the aircraft being flown by the Texas ANG in 1970 having volunteered in 1968 - didn't follow through on what Frank?"

Went AWOL in late '72 through middle of '73. Prove that he didn't.
I did quote sources for my argument, however. I can reiterate if you like.

"Can't have it both ways Frank, in one sentence you say that he volunteered for flight school and didn't follow through - in the next you say the reason he got into flight school to begin with was to avoid enlisting in the overseas service."

Yes I can It's possible that someone joins the Guard to keep from going overseas and didn't complete his service.

"Now as we do know that he did qualify as a pilot the first contention (regarding not following through) is a complete and utter crock."

Would you get into a plane with him? I wouldn't.

" The second is also false because serving in the ANG was not a means of ensuring that you did not serve overseas, quite a number of ANG Squadrons spent time in Vietnam."

But that is not the case with our hero. He made sure he didn't.

" Mind you he was fortunate in the aircraft type flown by 147 ANG - the F-102 was withdrawn from combat service in Vietnam in 1969 - while GWB was undergoing flight training. That means Frank that at the time he volunteered there was every possibility that 147th ANG, flying F-102's could have been sent overseas."

He was very fortunate. His daddy saw to that.

"The reason he got grounded was that he missed a flying medical while assigned in a non-flying status."

And this is because he was nowhere to be found when contacted for
the physical.

" He subsequently regained his operational status by passing his next flying medical."

Possibly. He may have taken it later.

"Now let me tell you about some Kuwaiti babies thrown from their incubators by Saddam's men in 1990. And believe me this story is the absolute truth - Or at least the baby/incubator story is as true as the Bush/AWOL story "

Well my dear Teribus, it has to be true because Bush and his adminstration made it up. :)
