The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65435   Message #1077986
Posted By: Bobert
22-Dec-03 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Subject: RE: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Geeze, how did America allow itself to be highjacked by these narrow minded autocrats?...

Like, I'd like to know why the Department of Homeland Security pulls these things out willy-nilly any danged time they want. What's this their 10th or so? And like what are people supposed to do, anyway? Oh yeah, look fir suspicious behavior..... Don't most folks do that anyway? I mean, like if I see some guy pull up to a gas pump, take the danged hose and start squirting gas into the backseat of his car do you think I'm gonna be less concerned if there isn't a Code Orange?

How simplistic do these folks think the American people are? And after the Oklahoma bombing, if I work at a manure place an some one pulls up in a Ryder truck and says, "Fill 'er up, pal, and by the way, where can I get 55 gallons of kerosene?" what, like I'm not gonna be concerend because Tom Ridge didn't call fir one more of his dumb alerts?

See, what I mean?

Beam me up...
