The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54604   Message #1078137
Posted By: Peace
22-Dec-03 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: Phil Ochs
Subject: RE: Phil Ochs
I think the 60s did change a few things, not the least of which was the people who were active during those times. Perhaps the era will be studied by cultural anthropologists and lots of other 'ists', and then maybe the world will know for sure if all the troubles changed anything for the better. I think so. But, I can't prove it. I do remember the courage it took for people to face dogs, cops, soldiers and racists. And I remember the courage it took for kids to attend forced-integration schools. I remember the courage it took for people to respond to hate with love and guns with empty hands. How bloody stupid is it to walk down a street--surrounded by people who hate what you stand for, faced by very pissed off police dogs and equally pissed off police--singing "We Shall Overcome"? It took courage for kids to serve time in the military, but it also took courage not to. I see the same courage exemplified by the people today who protest globalization efforts. Maybe, Matt, their efforts will amount to nothing, but also maybe we'll just never know the impact they do have.