The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62934   Message #1078854
Posted By: Gareth
23-Dec-03 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: Songs for white slaves?
Subject: RE: Songs for white slaves?
Wot appauls me is the way PC history has put the question of "white on white" or "black on black" slavery into Orwell's memory hole.

I had the misfortune to attend a "Workshop", on Slavery, in Canterbury some years ago.

I suppose I should have walked out from the start. When we walked in we were invited to pick an identity. Your choice was an African Tribe Child being abducted by English Slavers fron Ghana, or "The Bight of Benin"

"Oh remember, remember the Bight of Benin,
One sails out, but 20 go in"

I was stuborn, and insisted that I was a Bristol Man, sentanced to life as a slave in Barbados by Judge Jeffries ( The BLoody Assizes).

It went down hill from there. This "Socialoagist" insisted that there was no such thing a whites enslaving whites - Ye Gods even Ard M will admit that.

No mention of the Cromwell enslavement resulting from his adventures in Ireland.

The deportations to Virginia, Barbados, or the Bahamas (SP, or OZ - Oh they never existed.

And of course there was no mention of the East African Slave trade, young Boys and Girls to Saudi Arabia.

The final straw came at lunch time "Oh No Alchol, as good muslems you will not touch it".

I will let the more intelligent catters work that stupidity out.

Errr ! If the only exterior contact we have is from Bristol and Liverpool Slavers, how come the Readers of the Book, are involved?

The Bight of Benin was historically well south of the Tetse Fly belt / boundary where the Hausa raiders from the north were stopped by thier horses/cammels dying beneath them.

I walked out, others walked out, including the only two attendees who were of Afro Origin, One borne in Barbados, the other borne in Somalia.

Like I said some months ago, in this thread earlier, I think this might upset the Politiclly Correct.

And for those of you who may wish to ponder:-

1/. What role did the "Kurbah" and the "Yoke" play ??? Do you know what they were ?

2/. What was the fate of a prisoner of war in the Bight, prior to the arrival of the Slave Trailers ?

Answers here please. A vitual pint to the first correct answer.

The slave trades were horific - but not confined to european villans.
