The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65435   Message #1078966
Posted By: Donuel
23-Dec-03 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Subject: RE: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
The psychological target of choice is a televised event. Something with thousands of people. An event with a follow up - just in case there were not enough cameras in the right spot and if early pictures are not graphic enough.

My friends a "9-11" super bowl would rile enough americans to endure any kind of martial law/code red/canceled elections/suspended Congress etc.

This 1 2 3 punch of invisible terrorist attack scenarios would provide an excuse for Corproate Stateism.

For 25 years the CIA has run the show and the Bush family (having the father as the former CIA director as president and then his son - is no coincidence.

I know the credo of the CIA. I know their TEAM mentality. You are with them or against them. It is us or them. It is they that know whatever road they take is the high road and every other road is low.
You either have a clearence to "know" or you are "no"body. You either have every advantage they have access to or you inherit the nightmare of their choice.

Ladies and Gentleman we are witnessing the greatest unabashed coup this country has seen since the Civil War.

And as for the rhetoric that "our civil rights seem fine to me" ...Patriot Act 2 was slipped to Congress the very Sunday people was watching a sleep deprived Saddam on TV.

Some of you know exactly what US Corporations have gotten in the last 4 years. I cringe to say US corporations since they have their headquarters in Bermuda, calling center in India and factory in Mexico or China. Whatever harm they can do to you is now capped at $250,000 camages even if you are paralyzed for life.
Chemical plants may now legally keep secret any spill of any toxin - even to hospital doctors trying to respond to a disaster.
It is now legal for CEO's to intentionally lie about profits and holdings (that was passed over Clinton's veto - it was billed as the frivilous lawsuit legislation)

If you want to read more about the actual TEAM in charge
here is a free book ...