The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65435   Message #1078982
Posted By: Bobert
23-Dec-03 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Subject: RE: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Well, Donuel, you got the story... Ahhh, wish it were just that... But it ain't... It's the danged truth...

As a Christian I don't don't easily use words that, while seem common place with many, I use very sparingly but...

... to Hell with Bush and his corporate boys. The world is getting a good old fashion "Deliverence" butt screwing from him and his facsists friends... What an absolute SCAM!!!! Might aswell kiss democracy goodbye... These lieing crooks has stolen the government and they have no intentionsd of ever giving it back.

Don't like it? Well, screw you.........
