The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65435   Message #1079961
Posted By: Bobert
25-Dec-03 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Subject: RE: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Ahhhhh, excuse my overly vulgar post of Dec. 23rd. The P-Vine must have spiked the egg-nog...

But no apologies for the content... Bush and his cronies will do anything, and I mean anything, to hold power. Lie? Check. Cheat? Check. Steal? Check. Kill? Check.

Tell the truth? Forget it.

They are now trying to run out the clock on the '04 elections by sandbagging on the 9/11 Investigations.

You believe that?

Heck, a danged airplane falls into the ocean off New England and they spend months retrieving every nut and bolt of it and reassemble it in a hanger.

But let 19 Saudis hyjack 4 airlines and kill over 3000 people with em' and like, who cares????.... Not Bush? Hmmmmm? Why? Exactly what am I missing here?

Let a golfer's plane fly over a resricted space and F-16's are on it in minutes but let, not one, but 4 airliners drift way off their routes and zip! And after the 1st airliner hit the WTC, why would a 2nd be allowed to do the same when F-16's were within minutes of it yet it didn't hit the 2nd tower until some 20 minutes later? And why did the Bush governemnt allow bin Laden family memebers to be picked up the day after 9/11 when no other airliners were allowed to fly over US airspace except this Saudi airliner? Hmmmmmm? Wasn't it Sauidis that the governemnt had all ready identified as the hyjackers?

Something smells purdy danged bad here, folks.

I'm getting purdy danged tired of being lied to and being sandbagged by the Bush regime...

These guys are the most dangerous folks since Adolf Hitler. They make Joe McCarthy look like a Boy Scout...

We all need to get it into our feeble minds that the come next year, we're gonna have to give up some time that we spend here BS'ing to work on getting these folks out of office... America can't take another 4 years of this brutal assualt on the truth and on democracy....

I'm wearing my "Dean" pin and have my "Dean" bumper stickers on both cars and he if doesn't get nominated, whoever does in the Dem. party, I'll wear their buttonas and slap their stickers over the Dean ones... But, I'm serious, we need to get Bush out before it's too late... And with Diebold doing the counting we're gonna neede 53% of the vote to win....

We need to put a Code Orange on the Bush regime and send Bush back to the ranch...

Sorry about the drift...
