The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65516   Message #1080226
Posted By: GUEST,posterchild
26-Dec-03 - 09:53 AM
Thread Name: Seeking Travel Companion
Subject: RE: Seeking Travel Companion
I am not a guest but cannot seem to "reset" my cookie and have not posted in a while. Maybe gadabout could "reset" my cookie, think so? Old rich lonely European men arrange with mistresses and give them everything even their fortunes when they die. It is very common-place in France and even Germany. I was a poor farmgirl with a pretty face and body and I was approached by an intermediary who asked if I would care to be a "friend" to a Nobleman who had observed me in the marketplace with my mother. I agreed to his proposal and in my youthful days he treated me very well and paid for all my travel and educated me and set me up in a nice country house and enough annual allowance to live nicely when he died. We were lovers and good friends for many years. I read many books to him. If I had married as my mother did my life would have been like hers and I saw enough of her poor misery. I have enjoyed my life immensely even though most of you staid settled lot may disapprove.
