The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13147   Message #108032
Posted By: bbc
24-Aug-99 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Pub - Round 8
Subject: RE: Mudcat Pub - Round 8
Hey, Roger & MM, are you the only two around, anymore? Gotta get my bearings. Now that we've got a Pub rather than a Tavern, is Leej still the bartender? Whatever happened w/ Mona? Was it really the alien 'possums that chased everybody out? (I think I could have taken them, if I'd been in town!) Well, I have good news & bad news. I am back, but I think I'd better give me two weeks' notice. School starts for me Sept. 7th & I am really going to have to hustle to be ready! Best intentions--I planned to spend all summer working on my lesson plans &, instead (surprise, surprise!), it's been a summer full of folk music-related events. It's been wonderful! Hope I can keep my job! I did bring in bear claws & jelly crullers for today & will stop in, from time to time, but I may not be a *regular* anymore. It's been wonderful & I couldn't serve a nicer group of folks! Hugs all around & that's on me!

bbc (back from Missouri)