The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65516   Message #1080554
Posted By: GUEST,sandy creek
27-Dec-03 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: Seeking Travel Companion
Subject: RE: Seeking Travel Companion
True Story. Honest! My uncle had a friend in his late 40's who was a general contractor in the early seventies and did quite well and made lots of money. The ol' boy had a series of health problems related to a car crash and required 24 hour care. His wife hired nurses to help her out. The wife died a few years later and one of the nurses (drop dead lovely, perfect rack, blonde, legs up to her...AND bent over A LOT to reveal a most lovely sight!) ended up on top of the heap and nursed yhe ol' boy back to some semblance of health. Musta been the massages. Anyhoooooooooow, when he died the nurse was left most of the money, a nearly new Lincoln and a house on the beach near Wilmington NC. The last time I saw her she told me that was her plan all along. Now...what would you call HER? Are her motives any different than our old pal Gadabout?