The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65516   Message #1080700
Posted By: freda underhill
27-Dec-03 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: Seeking Travel Companion
Subject: RE: Seeking Travel Companion
be careful bruce and charlie you'll encourage me...

ROAST! GADABOUT! ROAST! For the business ripoffs things you've done
But before you sizzle and pop a bit
We should all have some good ole fun
We'll baste and poach and syrup you And whip you into a fluffy mess
Then what I think we should do as well is put you in a dress
We'll wax and pluck and electrolysize you Before we emotionally castrate you
then we'll put you in a beauty contest and verbally humiliate you
we'll send you as a travelling companion
for freda charlie and bruce
while they are riding in the merc
you'll be thrown about in the boot
when we waltz into the airport lounge
you'll carry the bags in your teeth
and when we're having cocktails in byron bay
you'll be chained to the table beneath
I look forward to participating in all of this and I don't find it unusually cruel
Sadly though, it is something I will miss I'll be teaching "183 knot techniques" at S&M school..

Reverend Gloria Sarmpits and her assistants Looseasabruce and