The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65516   Message #1080765
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
27-Dec-03 - 11:10 PM
Thread Name: Seeking Travel Companion
Subject: RE: Seeking Travel Companion
Post the details....I don't bite, scratch or kick....

Leave Phone number and hours to contact, e-mail, and dates available, you will get an answer.


IF you are queer trying to pretend straight - you don't need a sex change - you can come as you are - (If you are straight - trying to pickup - I won't change any of my anatomotical structure.....If you only need another drunk to "down-load" a load when you overload....envite JoHnHuLL ....Howver, if the gig is set and you require an accountant, scheduler, advance-man, stand-in, comic, or companion....Perhaps, I am your MAN.