The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60287   Message #1080933
Posted By: Dr. Guitar
28-Dec-03 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: Dr. Guitar's surgery
Subject: RE: Dr. Guitar's surgery
Dear R. Dolan,

This is a very common occurence for both beginner and advanced player alike and even players of long standing do not always do this job in the right manner.

Rather than "go into the rigmarole" of trying to describe the right way of changing strings here in words alone, I think that, once again, I will refer you to the

Changing strings page (with photographs) on Mr. Frank Ford's very excellent website about common guitar problems.

Indeed, Mr Ford's site is a veritable cornucopia of first class advice on all common guitar procedures and I therefore wholeheartedly commend it to all. Indeed, I should be most worried about Mr Ford depriving me of my patients and therefore purpose in life if I did not know that he is more than happy to leave the most hopeless cases to me here in my humble little surgery!

Yours very sincerely,

Dr. Guitar