The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65516   Message #1081512
Posted By: Big Mick
29-Dec-03 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: Seeking Travel Companion
Subject: RE: Seeking Travel Companion
This thread was likely started by an old troll. S/he used to be a member here, but when s/he ripped someone off and got caught, s/he disappeared. Every so often s/he resurfaces and starts some of this crap. Unless I miss my guess, s/he has posted on this thread as gadabout, ashamed, moony, rumpromper, bilingus, LoosanaJack, stroker, and sandy creek. S/he thinks she is much smarter than everyone else here and delights (in his/her twisted mind)in making you all dance. Classic troll mentality.

I suggest that you all either ignore or continue to make light of this. Under no circumstances should any intelligent 'Catter respond to the bait and contact this person. But that is just my suggestion. As usual on our little corner of the net, you are all free to do as you will.

All the best,
