The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65435   Message #1081691
Posted By: Rapparee
29-Dec-03 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Subject: RE: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
"Chatter" isn't a threat, it's people talking and sending messages. And chatter has been used before as a ploy to get an enemy confused -- the Allies did it with Patton's fictious Army before D-Day, for instance. It's cheap and can be very effective.

As for supplies, etc.: we usually have at least three days supply of food in the house (usually more), and there is at least fifty gallons of water in the water heaters. I use heavy mill plastic sheeting for everything from the garden to drop clothes, and duct tape holds the world together. We carry "winter kits" in each car as well, dating from the time we got stuck for three days in the snow.

Not that I expect some sort of terrorist attack, but being snowbound or losing power for a few days because of a storm is a definite possibility.

As for terrorist attacks -- I doubt that commercial passenger aircraft will be used again. It's been done, and terrorist won't do that again soon if at all (and an attempt would be met with resistance by the passengers and crew now). Secondly, the attacks have been against symbols that are identified with the US in the minds of the terrorists.

There is something else: You are never safe, your life is not now and never has been risk-free. Just accept that and get on with living.

In short, no, I'm not worried. And -- I returned last night from five days in DC, I flew out and flew back. The official paranoia was extreme.