The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65596   Message #1081960
Posted By: Big Mick
29-Dec-03 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: A Message for Gargoyle
Subject: RE: A Message for Gargoyle
Folks..what short memories you seem to have. First, I agree with Jerry's premise. It is a nice thought from a nice man. I do not agree that we should not call someone on bad behaviour. I have called those out that I disliked, and I have been called out when my behaviour merited it. In cases where, in retrospect, I realized my comments were wrong, I apologized.

Gargoyle has had times where his comments were reprehensible. Examples would be his attitude toward people who have terminal illnesses or who have loved ones with terminal illnesses. He goes far beyond what any decent human being should have to put up with. His disgusting comments to katlaughing are nearly as reprehensible. It is at times like these that I would ban him without a second thought. But it is not my site, it is Max's and he has decided that is not going to happen. In hindsight and after being around here for a fair number of years, I see the wisdom in his decision. When Garg is acting as our friendly, neighborhood curmudgeon, he is right on. He represents a different view that is vital. It is those times that I am glad he is here.

What am I saying? As a Christian, I understand completely the olive branch that our friend Jerry extends. But I also understand what many who haven't been here as long don't. Much of what Gargoyle has posted goes beyond destructive to disgusting. I have always wanted to meet him 3D to try and figure out what makes him tick. But I will not sit here and pretend that he hasn't said some of the most hurtful things that can be said.
