The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65576   Message #1082237
Posted By: AllisonA(Animaterra)
30-Dec-03 - 06:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bill Sables Around the world !
Subject: RE: BS: Bill Sables Around the world !
Finally, a quiet moment when we can check in! Bill and Lorna are still slumbering sweetly upstairs. We have had a marvelous visit. Guy drove them all the way up to my home in rural NH on Sunday night, it was great to see the two and only, and wonderful to meet Guy and his sweet daughter Elizabeth. Good music abounded.

Yesterday (Monday) we investigated the music stores in Keene; believe it or not, Bill bought another banjo! He'll tell you about it; all I know is it was a "find" for him and he's delighted with it. We then had lunch and did some jamming at the home of a friend of mine. It was so balmy for about an hour that we ate outside in the sunshine!

Last night Bill and Lorna delighted the holiday crowd at the Nelson contra dance by dancing (Lorna) and calling (Bill). Bill's dance was OXO, named after the soup cubes. It was a dance the crowd had never done before and they loved it!

Now they're sleeping the sleep of the just plain tired before going off this morning to get a rental car and head west to bbc's.

On Friday they fly to LA for a one-day stopover before heading to warmer climes- Hawaii, OZ, NZ, Singapore.

It has been wonderful and a blessing indeed to end this year with such dear friends.
Bill said last night that he'd post from bbc's.

Stay tuned...