The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65255   Message #1082296
Posted By: Bassic
30-Dec-03 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Guest Postings
Subject: RE: BS: Guest Postings
Mudcat is not a democracy, it is at best a benevolent dictatorship. I dont have a problem with that, after all, I do have a choice as to wether I "live" here or not.
For the most part, the benevolant dictatorship creates a good place to be, one with considerable freedom and creativety. But as with all dictatorships, there is the potential for power to corupt. I presume that this is the "fear" that Shambles is trying to highlight. It is something that we should all be aware of and guard against.
Is it a problem at the moment? Personally, I dont think so but that is only my opinion. Are Joe and the other clones imposing their own view on the cat by how they do their work? Of course they are, that is why they were chosen, for their tollerence, good sence and thoughtfullness.
Do they get it wrong sometimes? Yes, inevetably and it should be pointed out when they do and they should admit their errors. (Which it seems they usually do).
Would it be better without them? I believe not, at least for the time being. The special nature of the Mudcat and its unique family/comunity feel depend on the "Royalty" to maintain the environment which has alowed that comunity to flurish.
Will it last forever? No, something will change in that unique combination of circumstances that will ultimatly lead to the demise of the cat, but the point is that this is just a tool of communication, its not the REASON we exist as people and friends and we can all move on and find other comunities or start them ourselfs. We have a choice.
This is not life or death so there is no need to argue with life or death passion about who said what or did what. Debate the issues, use examples, give illustrations, that is healthy. But dont attack well meaning people personally, that is cheap argument and ultimatly shows a lack of thought and intelectual rigour and is just annother form of bullying in my view. Change my view with the strenght of your reasoning not the size of your verbal fist or the volume of your rhetoric!
If the occasion comes where I want to challenge the Mudcat organisers about how they run this site then I dont want to have to scatle the battlements and cross the moat that they have had to build around themselfs because of the attacks that they are coming under. I want to be able to walk in the front door, as a respected member, tell them to their face, and change their ways.
We still remember 1066 in this part of the world! :-)