The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65627   Message #1082308
Posted By: Bassic
30-Dec-03 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: Accoustic bass guitars
Subject: RE: Accoustic bass guitars
Seriously though, a good tune has melody, rhythm and harmony all contained in the tune itself, if you are in touch with those elements in the tune, and add to them subtly, as with any acompanying instrument, then I believe an acustic bass guitar can add significantly to many tunes. I think it is especially good in dance tunes, helping to enhance the rhythmic feel. However others may and will disagree. So tread carefully, you may need to "educate" other players to the differnce adding the Bass can make so pick the tunes you play carefully with that in mind and you will probably start to win a few converts to the cause! Good luck.