The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65435   Message #1082973
Posted By: musicmick
31-Dec-03 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Subject: RE: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Thanks for the reassurance, Don. It may well help me forget the friends who have been killed by these harmless pranksters. The utter gall exibited by those of you in the cheap seats would be amusing if I were more tolerant and more absent minded. I sincerely hope that you and yours escape the horrors that Israeli school children face every day. But, until and unless your lives are on the line (or until you realize that they are) your poo pooing is as heartless as it is gutless. There are many legitimate causes and many oppressed peoples in our world. My own people suffered as much as any. But, never in the history of man, has one group brought about such senseless horror upon non combative nations or peoples. Even the obcenity of war has been waged with some degree of law, if only out of fear of retribution. The 3000 souls who died in the WTC were not at war with their killers. The passengers in the doomed planes were not harboring enemies of Al Qeda. It is fairly obvious that you and your fellow corespondants have not, yet, encountered the tender mercies of those whose threat you so blithely disregard.
What's the point? You are so wrapped up in your hatred of G.W.Bush, you can't see past it. Somehow, you reckon, the REpublicans are to blame. My God, do you really so fear them that you believe them capable of creating and maintaining a reign of terror? Yes, I guess you do. I am afraid. I admit it. But I am not as afraid of the Fedayim as you are of the RNC. Lighten up, guys. We have survived regimes even more right wing than this one and, like my wandering people, we're still here.
