The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2511   Message #10830
Posted By: Laoise, Belfast
20-Aug-97 - 06:11 AM
Thread Name: Family sing-alongs
Subject: RE: Family sing-alongs
BK, did you hear the Tom Lehrer song - An Irish Jig - which went like this:

About a maid I'll sing a song

Sing rickety tickety tin

About a maid I'll sing a song

She did not have a family long

Not only did she do them wrong

She did every one of them in, them in

She did every one of them in.

Her mother she could never stand

Sing rickety tickety tin

Her mother she could never stand

And so a suicide bid she planned

Her mother died with a spoon in her hand

And her face in a hideous grin, a grin

Her face in a hideous grin.

One day when she had nothing to do

Sing rickety tickety tin

One day when she had nothing to do

She cut her baby brother in two

And served him up as an Irish Stew

And invited the neighbours in, 'bours in

And invited the neighbours in.

One morning in a fit of peak

Sing rickety tickety tin

One morning in a fit of peak

She drowned her Father in the creek

The water tasted bad for a week

And we had to make do with gin, with gin

We had to make do with gin.

She set her sister's hair on fire

Sing rickety tickety tin

She set her sister's hair on fire

And as the heat and flames rose higher

She danced around the funeral pyre

Playing a violin, 'olin

Playing a violin.

And when at last the Police came by

Sing rickety tickety tin

And when at last the Police came by

Her terrible crimes she did not deny

For to do so she would have had to lie

And lying she knew was a sin, a sin

And lying she knew was a sin.

I can't remember the last verse too well but it ends:

And now at last to conclude my song

Sing rickety tickety tin

And now at last to conclude my song

(Can't remember this line)

Youve yourselves to blame if its too long

You should never have let me begin, begin

You should never have let me begin.

Do you think, if we waited long enough and people forgot who wrote it, that this would become folk? (Tongue in cheek remark).

Rechal, Although my family aren't religious Jews we sometimes celebrate, rather begrudgingly, the main festivals with the more religious members of my family. Last year we were skiing during the Pesach (see I can't even spell it right) celebrations and the evening meal became an event to remember because a friend of ours put the whole of the Pesach story into a rap. He called it "Seder Night Rap" and we all had to help out in the chorus. I'll have to wrest the lyrics off my dad but the chorus went something like this:

Well your feet gotta stamp and your hands gotta clap As you're skiing down the mountain to the seder night rap Uh - huh, uh - huh.

For those of you who aren't as 'educated' in the Jewish religion as I am (it would be difficult) Pesach and Seder basically mean Passover, you know, the bit where God passed over the houses of all the Jewish first born sons when Moses was trying to get the Jews out of Egypt. (Rechal, have I got that right?)

Hey, isn't this a folk site?

Gabh mo leisceal every one (excuse me in Irish)
