The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65255   Message #1083220
Posted By: GUEST
31-Dec-03 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Guest Postings
Subject: RE: BS: Guest Postings
Actually, those folks are the ones with Mudcat addictions. It has nothing to do with this forum being a great place, it has to do with them needing their fix. It is the same small group of people over and over again who contribute to those types of threads.

Just like it is the same people who manipulate the guest/member thing over and over. Like you and Jeri, for instance.

In case you hadn't noticed Big Mick, in the other threads where the Queen and her Dark Prince of Witchhunts have vented their aggressions on anonymous posting, not too many people are jumping on your vendetta bandwagon. Just the usual handful of Mudcat regular suspects.

You clearly have blinders on when it comes to who is flogging the dead horses--because it isn't something done exclusively by the forum users you and Jeri personally detest. Jeri and Big Mick are the jackboot clones most obviously obsessed with this creepy stalking thing, of "exposing" (as Jeri put it in another thread yesterday) people's "true" identities. catspaw and katlaughing less so, but you have the two of them hoodwinked because of the "stolen identity" fear mongering gene katlaughing was apparently born into her perpetual victimhood with. And there isn't a bigger bully on this forum than catspaw.

When pointing your fingers at other people while calling them bullies, etc. it would be judicious of you to remember the majority of fingers are pointing back at yourselves.